
Hello, It's Me

Listening to: Gang of Four - Entertainment! (like there's anything else to listen to; it is, hands down, the greatest album ever recorded) If I could drum like Hugo Burnham, I'd not be working in a basement crunching numbers, I tell you that much, chickens.

Today was a big mess o' stress. I had my review-slash-discussion of "goals" for the upcoming year, and while it wasn't nearly as ugly as I'd thought it would be, it sort of set the stage for what would be the rest of my day.

I know I should've been paying attention during this meeting, taking meticulous notes and such, but I went in there with this frigging Todd Rundgren song on Perma-Loop� in my head. So while I sat there, nodding and trying to look concerned about my performance as an underpaid gnome, I had "Hello It's Me" running through my brain, and while I should've been thinking about ways to be a Team Player�, I was instead thinking, "How could Liv Tyler go all those years actually believing that Rundgren was her father? I mean, really..."

I got out of the meeting, "Hello It's Me" still winding its sinister way through my cranium, and approached the temp currently filling in for our vacationing receptionist.

"You're probably too young, but do you know that Todd Rundgren song �Hello It's Me'?"

"Hel-looooo...it's meeee..."

"Yes! Exactly! Listen, you gotta do me a favor..."

"Um, okay?"

"A friend of mine has this theory � and I've never known it to fail � that if you get a really shitty song stuck in your head, all you have to do is get someone to start singing 'Beat It,' and not only will it purge the shitty song from your head, it'll leave no residual traces of that song, either..."

This poor girl. She probably thought she had a nice cushy day ahead of her, taking the occasional phone call while playing Free Cell....and then she ends up singing old Michael Jackson songs to appease some crazed, bespectacled redhead with a perverse Todd Rundgren fixation.

lisamcc at 4:52 p.m.

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