
The Blaine Menagerie

Gawd. American Repertory Theatre is offering everyone in my office tickets for tomorrow night's performance of "The Glass Menagerie," starring........Andrew McCarthy!


Despite much ridicule from both my husband and my older brother (who actually does do a pretty spot-on and hilarious imitation of Mr. McCarthy in every 80's flick he ever did), I can't help loving that Blaine of mine.

My coworker Adam saw it last night and proclaimed Andrew's performance "surprisingly good." Well, DUH. I'd watch Andrew McCarthy read from the back of a cereal box, and quite possibly become incontinent with excitement in the process.

I'm going to have to go see this, you know. I'm actually sick to death of the play itself, having analyzed it seven ways to Sunday as a theatre major many moons ago. But then, wouldn't it be cool if I could, you know, just accidentally bump into Andrew McCarthy outside of the theater, laud him for his sensitive portrayal in this modern American classic, and then engage him in witty and intelligent banter, impressing him with my thorough knowledge of the play and its impact on American theatre: "Well, what's always impressed me about the play � and indeed this could be said not only of Williams but O'Neill as well, yes? � is how it steered away from the conventions of realism to a more fluid, almost cinematic way of telling stories, wouldn't you agree?" And he'd say, "Oh, yes, yes...that's exactly what I've always thought, and yet...I couldn't put it into words! Come, we shall discuss this further over drinks!"


Here's what would probably happen:

Me: Um, heh heh heh. Wow. You're, like, Andrew McCarthy an' stuff...

AM: Uh-huh.

Me: I was, like, a theatre major in college? And we had to read it a lot? But, uh, I really liked how you, like, portrayed all the themes and junk...

AM: Uh-huh. Well, thanks...

Me: Ah-heh heh. So do you get a lot of girls coming up to you thinking you're, like, Blaine? Heh heh heh...

AM: Hey, there's my ride!

lisamcc at 4:51 p.m.

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