
Crisis, huh.

When I was a freshman in college, I had the first of what would be many existential crises. Actually, come to think of it, I'd probably been having them all along; I just didn't have a name for them yet. I spent close to a week sprawled on the dingy, diarrhea-brown couch in the now-defunct theatre department, bewailing my sorry ass and absolutely wallowing in self-pity. The head of the department, who'd sort of taken me on as a pet of sorts, must've finally gotten sick of seeing me on that couch day after day, limp as a freesia, listlessly flipping through back issues of American Theatre in between bouts of crying; he sat me down in front of the chalkboard outside his office and explained to me what was going on. Basically, he told me, I'd spent a good deal of time being a triangle. At present, I was going through a series of wiggly lines. Once I got through the wiggly lines, I'd be a circle.

I think what's been happening to me now is that I'm going from being a circle to being a rhomboid, which if you're at all familiar with the concepts of geometry, is a great deal more painful than the previous rite of passage endured back in 1988. Angles hurt.

lisamcc at 6:00 p.m.

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