
Earth below us

I'm not just a rock star, baby, I'm the dorkiest rock star this side of the Mississippi.

Last night Paula and I went to the Thirsty Scholar to indulge in our favorite I've-had-the-shittiest-week-ever-how-'bout-you repast: curry fries and beer!

(Yes, it does strike me now and again that all this journal is about is drinking and name-dropping.)

It was fun, and we talked about all kinds of things, until we reached what I call the Third Pint Lull, where you sort of fall into this beery reverie. It's not like you've run out of things to say, it's just that all of sudden you become very aware of the background music.

In this case, the song that jolted us out of the Third Pint Lull was this li'l long-buried gem. We started bopping around in our seats, singing along while accompanying ourselves with a full range of air instruments, which in turn attracted the attention of our cool, blonde waitress, that we'd hitherto pegged as a cool blonde waitress, just because. She leaned over to clear our empty glasses, and said, "I love this song, too, and I just wanted to say that you guys are great."

I tell you, sometimes the most unlikely people turn out to be members of the Dorky 80's Music Fan Coterie.

lisamcc at 23:09:49

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