
2009-01-08 02:28:36
You'd think that with the success of the show, that Bret's wigs would be getting better, not worse.

2009-01-08 02:44:24
It's true. He's sporting Barbie hair this season.

2009-01-08 03:02:22
Wait, that's his hair? I thought the chick behind him had her weave thrown over his shoulder.

2009-01-08 16:39:32
I'm sorry, but that thing in the lower right (in white) with the baloons on it's chest is a man. Those have to be the most ridiculous boobs I've ever seen!

2009-01-08 17:03:11
I tell you if the Center for Disease Control wants to do something meaningful it'll quarantine these buses. I didn't watch the show but looking at this picture I feel confident in the assertion.

2009-01-08 18:10:18
Is the one in the bandanna not a woman?!

2009-01-08 22:46:54
Bret is wearing the same frosted pink lip gloss I had in 1979 - nice Restalyn. You just KNOW Heather will show up mid-season to see who is really "There. For. Bret."

Mike Burchett
2009-01-08 23:25:35
Jesus, he looks like a transvestite impersonating Paula Abdul. Or a subject on a low budget pilot for "I Want A Famous Face." You can't fix stupid. But apparently you can load him up with enough colagen, lipgloss and fake checkbones so that a drunk, sad and confused Axl Rose might try and fuck him. Shudder

2009-01-10 03:51:54
I predict he'll "end up" with either the tomboy w/ the "bad shoes" or the hot 40 year old with the nice abs.

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