
2008-08-10 22:10:07
Uh-uh. FIve years into their marriage, she's working her ass off at the gallery; he's turned out to be an incompetent boob who spends all his time in the basement on CompuServe trying to play the stock market. On a business trip she runs into Duckie, who is the art director for an indie record label. And has come out of the closet.

lj lindhurst
2008-08-11 14:45:15
Wow. It's uncanny how you guys have just described the last 20 years of my life to a T! Blane and I are very happy. I now have 3 kimonos and have replaced all the New Order with Portishead posters.

2008-08-11 19:33:01
That is one of my FAVORITE scenes in a movie! I just love the narcissism of yelling your own name in an alleyway. I hope to achieve this someday. (I was going to add that Pibb & I ocassionally yell "NEELIE!" for no apparent reason, but you'll probably think that all we do is walk around yelling stuff at the top of our lungs for no reason. And you'd be right, heh. I'm sure our neighbors are REALLY happy we're moving). Also: DUCKY RULZ! BLAINE DROOLZ!

2008-08-12 20:51:57
I have to agree with Houseboy. I went out with a Duckie in high school, and we moved in together in college. As soon as he figured out where the gay bars were in that town he fucked some dude, gave me crabs, and dumped my ass BECAUSE HE WAS GAY, and I was the only one in the whole wide world who didn't know it.

2008-08-12 21:12:45
God, Vikki. You always have way better stories than I do. Best I got is the guy who stood me up on New Year's and later claimed he fell asleep. That was fucking awesome.

Actually, no. There was also the guy who showed up on my birthday, gave me a card, and then DUMPED ME.

But crabs? No. You win again, my love.

2008-08-15 03:17:01
I'll get her to do it. Let me know when you are on your deathbed. GBF in NYC

2008-08-15 03:18:28
I'll get her to do it. Let me know when you are on your deathbed. GBF

2008-08-21 04:14:46
I am SO stealing "Pro-Ducky Girl" and making myself a T-shirt.

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