
the pants of felchie
2005-01-04 20:31:46
Baa ha ha haaaaaaah.... Mwaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaaaaaa!

2005-01-06 08:59:22
What the hell ARE those little Jesus-shaped thingies!? Get them AWAY! My GOD!

2005-01-06 09:29:23
Jesus Beads(tm)! I'm going to string them into a lurvely charm bracelet and SEND IT TO YOU.

2005-01-09 22:19:00
Oh, they're BEADS. I thought they were hard candy. Jesus Suckers. They LOOK delicious.

2005-01-24 18:01:09
Shouldn't the hole go in through his side and out the back of his hand? For stigmauthenticity?

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