
Lazy Days

Fries with that?

I'm a lazy load. I really am.

I've already resigned myself to the fact that I will gain about 5-7 pounds over the holidays. I have the will power of a gnat, and every day some well-intentioned stooge in the business office announces, via voice-mail, that "I made too much of this fat-laden frosted holiday something-or-other, so come on down to the Xerox room and help yourself!" Zombie-like, I hoist myself from my desk, and stagger down two flights of stairs (really, the only exercise I get between 8:30 and 5:00), strap on the feed bag and eat myself out of my size 8's. Mooooo...

This morning, I actually voiced displeasure at the Noise's webmaster, because the message board is currently designed in such a way that you have to scroll across to read the messages. This is how lazy I am. I'd blame technology, but I suspect I'd be just as lazy without the miracles of the Modern World.

lisamcc at 09:39:34

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