
Blair Retch

Oooo, dat's SCARY!

Last night I finally saw The Blair Witch Project. And I gotta ask:

What in the hell is the big deal?

I mean, I really wanted to like this Li'l Movie That Could. I applauded, nay -- welcomed -- the premise that I could have the beejezus scared out of me with minimal gore. Circumstances prevented me from actually viewing this film at the height of its hype this summer, but I figured, "Hey, it's probably better on video." So I plopped that sucker into the VCR last night and settled down for a good scare.

What I got were three scenery-chewing community theater rejects who prefaced their every line with either "Dude.." or "Fuck." Hell, I was ready for them to get it at the end, so I could shut the damn T.V. off and re-read The Shining. The acting was so dreadful, the dialogue so irritating, that whatever storyline was unfolding was buried. I came away from this movie with a splitting headache and a renewed belief that we are just willing to jerk off to anything that has the term "indie" or "underground" attached to it, no matter the quality. Look, I'm no film student, I couldn't analyze the camera angles and editing choices, but I know bad acting and shitty screenwriting when I see it, and this here was a goddamn treasure trove.

And it wasn't even irritating enough for me to call it "camp." It was just bad. Bad, bad, bad.

lisamcc at 09:35:47

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