
My missing limb, temporarily restored.

The Divine One has been in town for the last several days, and I couldn't be happier. When we are apart, it's like I'm missing a limb.

A foul-mouthed, poop-and-Bee-Gees-obsessed limb, but an important limb nonetheless.

So yesterday we got into her mom's car, after a lengthy "PKO Junior" rehearsal (I am an auxiliary member of the Paula Kelley Orchestra, effective tomorrow night at TT's). Paula was struggling with her iPod, and the tape-deck attachment thing that enables her to play said iPod while driving.

"Lees, why can't I get this to work?"

"Because you're a douche."

"No, really. It won't play!"

"Is it ON?"


"Do you have it locked or unlocked?"

"It's UNLOCKED! Look!"

"Okay, did you PLUG IT IN?"

"God! YES! I...oh, wait..."

She sheepishly stuck the plug into the top of the iPod.

"Then, see. I was right the first time."


"It's because you're a DOUCHE."


lisamcc at 11:17 a.m.

1 comments so far
2005-10-26 21:15:15
Awwwww. That's so cute. You're like an old married couple.

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