
Searchin' for the Satellite Wafers...

Found in a convenience store on Huntington Avenue, on my way home this evening:

If you don't know what these are, I pity you.

They are called "satellite wafers."

I used to get these at the Penny Candy Store down the street from my house in Hull, MA. I have not seen nor tasted one since about 1981.

The best way I can describe them is: they're sort of like two communion wafers welded together and filled with candy sprinkles.

They're completely bizarre, but strangely delicious.

They were every bit as great as I remembered. I very nearly wept on the bus ride home, both from the sheer nostalgia and the knowledge that it really takes so little to make me happy.

lisamcc at 6:33 p.m.

1 comments so far
2005-10-17 16:03:29
Christamighty, those look exactly like condoms. I thought this was a pile of colorful candy condoms.

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