

Well, since the trip to LA (so dutifully recorded for posterity in the past buncha entries), I've been crazier than a rat in a coffee can, doing all kindsa....STUFF.

I had the great good fortune to come into a much-coveted ticket to the Nine Inch Nails show at the Orpheum. I hadn't seen NIN in just about 15 years, the last time being in '90, when they were the support for Peter Murphy.

It was a good show and all, but very odd for a number of reasons, not the least of which was seeing the Dresden Dolls open, and recalling that my band had played with them not a couple of years ago at frigging O'Brien's. I'm not being the Mayor of Bittertown (population: one) here...just merely commenting that there are them what get to go on tour with NIN, and there are them what stick around here and continue to think up new stupid ways to amuse themselves. We're playing next month at PA's, and I couldn't be happier. I'm much more suited to this playing-once-every-six-months thing.

But, yah, NIN. I was easily the oldest person there by a good ten years, with the exception of Mr. Reznor himself. It was just lots and lots of very young, very happy-to-be-miserable folks who shrieked with glee every time Trent uttered any kind of expletive. It was nice.

This was followed in short order by the Gang of Four reunion at Avalon, and holy fucking shit -- mere words cannot describe. My friend Susan and I basically spent the whole show telepathically screaming at each other: ohmyjesusGODthisisfuckingtheBEST.SHOW.EVER. But then it was over, and Susan got to go backstage while I had to go home. Bitch. But she did tell Hugo Burnham that he is my drum idol, and promptly emailed me the next day to report: "Yes. Hugo Burnham now knows that you exist." Giggle!

The houseboy and I saw Episode III last weekend, which was discussed at length on the message board(oh, you haven't been there yet?). I enjoyed it very much; the houseboy just wasn't feelin' it. To be fair, I am huge fucking geek about the Star Wars. On the spectrum of geekiness, I'd say I fall somewhere just under the dressing-up thing, and a bit above knowing the names of all the really minor characters.

If you haven't seen it yet, just know that there are many (myself included) who are deriving immense and perverse pleasure out of what is likely the BEST line (or the worst, depending on your take) in the whole damn movie:


I can't really say why this is so funny, but it is, and over the past week-and-a-half, there have been oodles of variations on the theme, most of them screamingly, pants-pissingly AWESOME.

That's all I got.

lisamcc at 9:37 p.m.

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