
The Yearly Cold

What? What day is it? Yup, it's about time for me to get my yearly Nasty Ass Cold�!

Yah, so, I'm wicked sick. I started feeling a mite puny on New Year's Eve, about noon or so, and THEN I made the most grievous mistake of leaving work early to head over to Downtown Crossing to run an errand before heading home...plan being that we'd get ready, go to my old high school pal Matt's for a little bit (I was very much looking forward to that, actually, since I believe the last New Year's Eve Matt and I spent together was '89 or so, which we spent watching "Three Stooges" episodes), and then head over to the Milky Way to catch UV Protection.

You know, there's nothing quite like a trip to Downtown Crossing on New Year's Eve to bring out the most salient of my miserly misanthropic tendencies. The place was teeming with out-of-towners, and after a block or two of trying to navigate my way through throngs of people who one would suspect had never seen a shoe store before, I confess that I was not particularly careful about keeping my evil thoughts to myself.

Witness the gaggle of blonde co-eds "home" from college, agog at the seemingly endless row of shops that they have access to in just about any mall in the continental United States. "This is, like, the place to go shopping in Boston," quoth the only very slightly city-savvy girl in the group. "I mean, I haven't been in here in a LONG time, though.....I'm pretty sure there's a Claire's down at the corner here," she added with an air of knowingness as they barely ambled up Washington Street.

"Oooooo, CLAIRE'S," I rather audibly muttered, "Better hightail it the fuck in there before they RUN OUT OF SCRUNCHIES, girls." I broke through and continued on my "merry" way, taking gleeful note of the chorus of "tch...GOD" hurled at my back from the now-horribly-offended gaggle.

So now I'm being punished for being a Meanie McNasty, because by the time I got home, I could feel my head filling with snot, and thus it has been ever since. I'm wearing about 4 layers of clothing, shivering on the couch with my comforter and the Live Aid DVD.

Pity is appreciated. Pity, and cookies.

lisamcc at 2:38 p.m.

2 comments so far
2005-01-03 20:24:01
Lisa Diane, you miserable hypocrite! You shop at Claire's!!

2005-01-03 21:14:38
Yeah, but I don't go to Downtown Crossing, steps from the Freedom Trail and Old South Meeting House, and make like Claire's is a historical entity unto itself, dude. No sparkle barrettes for you!

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