

Now We Are Five.

It's true, chickens. This diary is five years old today.

I figure there'll be a lot of "red-flavored" drinks, a grocery-store sheet cake with big-assed roses, and maybe a trip to Chuck E. Cheese.

Then I'll spin around and around and around yelling, "Look at me! Lookit! Lookit!" until I barf.

Like any other day, really.

lisamcc at 11:05 a.m.

5 comments so far
2004-10-15 13:57:36
happy anniversary! through your old brilliant "pretty in pink" site (i still remember your rant on the types of people who ride the bus), i found your diary. after laughing my ass off at the tale of your high school reunion, i was inspired to start my own diary. four year and one found-through-diaryland husband later, i tip my hat to you. andrea

Tanya a/k/aT_Lady
2004-10-15 19:08:14
Happy B-Day, Lisa! I discovered this diary via your wondrous creation, Lecherous Broads for Clay Aiken. I love them both dearly. Now, what are we gonna pin the tail on?????

gimpy old lady
2004-10-16 06:30:02
Congratulations!!! You always give me a good laugh or something to ponder. Love ya'.

2004-10-16 13:25:46
happy birthday to you! (chachacha) happy birthday to you! (chachacha) happy birthday dear diary of lisa! happy birthday to you! (CHACHACHA) so, where am i delivering this pony? bpg

2004-10-16 16:16:44
Happy happy! I got you something from your amazon wishlist to celebrate this auspicious occasion. Please make sure your mailing address is correct on your account.

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