
My goodness.

So, in looking at my calendar, and in the archives, I've come to the realization that this coming Friday marks the fifth year that I've been doing this diary.

[RANT] Please, please -- for the love of all that is good and holy -- do not refer to this as a "blog." I hate this "word" with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns. Furthermore, I am NOT a "blogger." It's like an onomatopoeic device for throwing up: BLOG! I think I hate this more than I hate the sound of the word "slacks." Really. [/RANT]

I don't think I've stuck with anything, in the creative sense, as long as I've stuck to writing in this diary, even when it got brutally painful to do so, particularly in the weeks and months after I'd first quit drinking. (There's probably some kind of story there, but the last thing the literary world needs is another wrist-to-forehead epic about alcoholism.)

So -- how ought I mark this dubiously auspicious milestone, chickens?

lisamcc at 1:07 p.m.

3 comments so far
2004-10-10 18:22:01
Congratulations! I think ice cream appropriate for every occasion.

2004-10-11 12:00:44
HAH! I didn't think you hated anything more than the word slacks!

2004-11-12 05:53:12
Hmmmm... "Blahg"? Love, Andy

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