
An Excellent Day for an Exorcism

I spent a good chunk of yesterday at Paula's, to record a 6 bar vocal arrangement she'd written for a song on Ad Frank's rekkid-in-progress. It came out purdy.

WARNING: even more gratuitous linkage of friends' bands ahead

It was me, Paula, Aaron, Chris and Courtney.

6 bars of music, which, given the dope mad singin' skillz of those mentioned, should not have taken all that much time to capture, yes? Unfortch, we were treated to riotous noise upstairs, courtesy of an unannounced team of floor refinishers, and had to wait until they took their lunch break to actually record. We killed time by entertaining ourselves -- reading aloud the highly amusing Wesley Morris review of the "Exorcist" prequel, which up until that point I had kinda been looking forward to seeing, even though I believe in the core of my soul that some things have proven themselves best not to be fucked with, "The Exorcist" being one of them.

I looooves me that movie. I do. It makes me giggle. I love it, and I just don't understand people who haven't seen it eleventy-seven BILLION times, as I have. I don't understand that; there's a disconnect there. I don't understand it in the way that I don't understand people who watch golf on television.

My love affair with this movie is a long and sordid one. I was about 8 when I first saw it, and it freaked me the fuck out on a spectacular number of levels, for myriad reasons, not the least of which was the fact that Max Von Sydow, as Father Merrin, was a total effin' dead ringer for my grandfather.


Enchanted, then, by all things "Exorcist," I taught myself to play "Tubular Bells" on my great-grandmother's piano, probably not at all what my mother had hoped for me in terms of my then-blossoming interest in music.

"Hey MA," I'd yell, "Wanna hear me play the 'Exorcist' song again?!"

"Not especially."

And, really, what other movie, barring porn, yields such an astonishing wealth of absolutely filthy dialogue? Believe you me, chickens, I have it all memorized, ready to bellow at a moment's notice.

"D'you know what she did? Your CUNTING DAUGHTAHHHH?"

Okay, so, long story short: Paula and Aaron are not obsessed with this movie.

That's just nine kinds of wrong.

I must change this.

lisamcc at 4:57 p.m.

3 comments so far
Gimpy Old Lady
2004-08-23 08:59:04
Ooh, you are in so much "s" with a certain someone about your comment on watching golf on tv...tsk tsk. Have to agree with you about "The Exorcist," however...you don't fool with perfection...you think they'd have learned their lesson with "Exorcist 3."

2004-08-23 09:41:32
Dad WATCHES and ENJOYS GOLF ON TELEVISION. I'm sorry; that's not right. "Exorcist 3" wasn't half bad; at least Blatty wrote the screenplay. It's "Exorcist 2" that's an abomination, although it's probably Richard Burton's most unintentionally hilarious performance ever.

2004-08-24 20:34:08
You know what's worse than watching golf on TV?? GOING to golf tournaments! My GOD nothing is more boring that walking around after golfers, stopping to watch them tee off, then walking to where their little ball went. It's pure agony. Thankfully, I am not dating a golf player anymore...

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