
Sephora is my Higher Power

"Finding some workable eyeshadow, darling..."
- Daniel Ash,
asked about his favorite moment of the Bauhaus "Resurrection" tour

The other day I went to look for something in my spiffy Homestar Runner bike messenger bag, and I was confronted with the fact that I had no fewer than eight different lipsticks rattling around in the bottom. Then I realized I had two more in my desk drawer, and still another in my jacket pocket. And there's at least a dozen in the gaily-decorated fishing tackle box I keep in the bathroom for the rest of my makeup.

This is, like, really bad, isn't it. I mean, it's not bad the way I used to find empty nips and Jim Beam bottles stashed all over the house for months after I'd quit drinking, but it's sort of stupid-bad.

And we're not talking about the buck-ninety-nine Wet N' Wild lipsticks here, either, lest some of you chickens attempt to console/enable me with that line of reasoning. We're talking a-week's-worth-of-lunches spent on a tube of Tony&Tina (I had to have it! It's a perfect shade of red, and the container looks just like a vibrator!).

As my sister, the inimitable tinamcc, once mused: "Dude, I can't believe how much money you spend on makeup." Indeed, the tables have very much turned in that regard. When we were in high school, Tina had a very elaborate set of morning ablutions which required her to wake up at the crack of ass every day, whereas I prided myself on the fact that I "didn't care" how I looked (ridiculous now, especially if you saw some of the getups I put together in the very name of "not caring").

Nowadays, I care. Deeply. I have the Cargo foundation and the Clinique face powder and the Benefit concealer and "Dandelion" blush and the Shiseido mascara and -- yes -- eleventy-seven hundred different types of lipstick. I'm sure I would be just as fuckin' radiant were I to buy the Cover Girl stuff at the CVS, but Sephora is my Higher Power.

lisamcc at 6:02 p.m.

4 comments so far
2004-03-07 18:48:24
Yes, but you haven't lived until you've experienced the madness that is a $37 bar of Japanese soap. http://go4soap.com/queen.htm

2004-03-07 20:13:27
Good God! From the site: Due to it's (sic) unique composition, Queen Silver soap requires seventy days of manufacturing and curing time. For 37 dollars, it had better damn well soften my skin, eliminate unsightly chin blemishes, AND clean the white film off my shower curtain. Cripes...

2004-03-08 09:18:49
I have the Noah's Ark of makeup kits. Not only do I have a heptabajillion lipsticks in very similar shades, but many of them came in pairs.

2005-06-15 23:21:54
diorshow mascara. uh-may-zing

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