

It's almost 20 minutes to 8 in the morning and I am still in my pajamas. Hair and makeup are done, yet I cannot bring myself to complete my ablutions and head to the office. I just don't wanna go. I haven't had any substantial time off in months and months and all I want right now is a Mental Health Day, where I do one or all of the following:

Alas, I must go to work today. But now that I've written all that out, I'm going to be very petulant when I get there, chickens.

lisamcc at 8:37 a.m.

1 comments so far
2004-03-06 00:50:49
Maybe you can explain the whole Shriekback thing to me. I've never figured out the appeal of that band, which may be because the album I had, Go Bang!, was the one without Dave Allen in the band. I find it hard to believe, though, that the only thing standing between good and a fountain of suck is a bass player, even if said bass player was in Gang of Four. So there must be something else, right?

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