
Snow. Feh.

We got clobbered with snow this weekend. Totally clobbered. We've got at least a foot....maybe a foot-and-a-half out there. The houseboy and I stayed pretty much holed up here all day yesterday, watching terrible Lifetime movies and writing out the now-infamous Christmas cards (are you on our list?). We each ventured out briefly to the bodega down the street, picking up ginger beer, Oreos and chips-and-salsa.

I like blizzards as they're happening, and I like the morning after a huge blizzard, before the snow gets all grotty and riddled with exhaust, dog pee, and cigarette butts.

I went out this morning, and, on the way back up the street to the house, I noticed that things were still pretty peaceful, with the adults still sort of amused by the novelty of it all and the kids just absolutely apeshit with joy.

But the wonder of it all wears off pretty quickly. Soon enough there will be all-out wars over freshly-dug-out parking spaces. I need to haul out the digital camera and start collecting pictures of all the crap that people will stick in "their" parking spaces after they've dug them out. Lawn chairs, trash barrels....I once saw someone drag out a very old baby pram and leave it in the spot. Think it would make for an interesting photo essay.

lisamcc at 12:22 p.m.

3 comments so far
2003-12-11 10:32:39
I came home to cubegirl yesterday with the same "photo essay of parking space savers after a blizzard" idea. She sez -- yeah that was a funny idea, did you read lisamcc? Yet I arrived at the idea independently... great minds and all that I suppose... Merrrrrrrrry Christmas to you and the Inkwell, BTW.

2003-12-12 14:08:57
hi. it's me again. excellent picture of Scrapple in Friday's Boston Globe "GO!" section. you're a stah!

2003-12-13 15:24:32
It really would be a great photo essay. At least a fun website! Go for it!

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