
Let your freak flag fly...

So, an acquaintance of mine has the dubious honor of having been ratted out (however anonymously) as a "first date from hell" in the latest issue of Cosmopolitan. I'll refrain from telling the whole story, but it does involve Argentinian lesbians and dildos, which, as far as I'm concerned, chickens, are two key elements of any successful evening, and I said as much to my acquaintance.

"Well, you know, here's my thing about dating," he said, "You gotta let your freak flag fly. I can't be bothered with suppressing information in the hope that the girl will fall so in love with me that the later revelation of these details won't matter."

"Sure. Just get it all out in the open."

Somehow, the knowledge that someone I know has been pegged as a bad date in print by your typical Cosmo reader pleases me greatly. It's almost better than, say, knowing somebody famous.

lisamcc at 12:57 p.m.

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