
Clay is A-OK


Clay should win. Clay should totally win. I love Clay. I mean, I love me some Clay Aiken. In fact, the only thing that poses a problem for me....the only thing that stands in the way of my starting an all-day, all-night vigil wearing nothing but my red eyeshadow and a sandwich board reading "CLAY IS A-OK!!!" until the boy rightfully takes his place as the next American Idol is the fact that he lists Peter Cetera as his favorite male vocalist. Peter Cetera, chickens. I mean, really now. This isn't just because I loathe and despise Peter Cetera, a well-documented fact. Well, okay, perhaps it is, but what 24-year-old looks up to Peter-fucking-Cetera? It's troubling to me, chickens.

Nonetheless, I am quite smitten with Mr. Aiken. Them skinny boys with the big Rick Astley voices do it for me every time. Make me feel all funny in my down-there.

lisamcc at 7:07 p.m.

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