
More Tools and a Caveat

Hey - in case you're keeping track at home, only eight more days until I turn 30.

I have this fear that I'm going to wake up on the 14th and find that I'll have twice as many spider veins criss-crossing the backs of my legs as what's currently rendering them almost identical to a gas station fold-out road map.

Kev made the mistake of complimenting my ass this morning, and I whirled around and snapped: "Enjoy it while you can, Mister; a week from tomorrow it'll have dropped faster than a spelunker on crack."

Then I burst into tears.

I'm taking this way too seriously, I know.

Fortified by yesterday's rant about the Undeniable Tool-ness of Mike Love, I got to pondering: just what makes one a "tool?"

I'm afraid that I was all wrong about Mr. Love. Truly, I say to you, that there is a Bigger Tool out there, and I was most gratified to learn, via a quickie web search on my favorite engine, that many others agree with me.

Peter Cetera.

There's something about him that just makes me cringe.

I'm leaving the door wide open for criticism here, and not just from the 2 or 3 Peter Cetera fans who'll eventually stumble onto this entry.

I never said I had good taste, myself.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a big ol' hypocrite in the culture department.

Many an evening has passed where I could have read a good book or attended a lecture instead of flipping back and forth between E! and VH-1.

When friends start asking you obscure questions about Olivia Newton John, because the chances are excellent that you'll be able to answer them immediately, you know that you're really in no position to criticize anyone else.

Except Peter Cetera.

lisamcc at 14:16:05

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