
People are silly

Sometimes I wonder about people.

The other afternoon, I was on the subway heading back to work, having run an errand on Beacon Hill, when I noticed this enormous dreadlocked guy rolling a joint, in plain view of everyone, on his copy of Wired. He just nonchalantly took out this baggie of pot, seeded a bud or two on the magazine cover, and proceeded to roll himself a big ol' fattie. It was interesting to watch everyone on the car gradually realize what this guy was doing. Expressions ranged from amused to horrified, yet nobody said a word. And I'm willing to bet this guy was banking on precisely that - nobody was going to say anything about it. I was actually impressed.

Later in the evening, I was in line at the Store 24, when I overheard this little exchange from the fine young thangs standing behind me:

FYT #1: Should I be good and get the lights? Or should I get the 100's?

FYT #2: God. I don't know.

FYT #1: I'll be good and get the lights. I mean, unless you want 100's...?

FYT #2: It totally does not matter to me.

FYT #1: Oh, God. (pause) Wait, why don't we get 100's and lights, and then we can split them?

FYT #2: That's such a good idea.

Shortly after this decision was reached, the cell phone of FYT #2 rang.

FYT #2: Hello? Hi! Um, we're at the Store 24....Yeah....We're buying cigarettes....Lights and 100's.... I know. ....Wait, I just got another call....Hello? Hi, Daddy!

I wish to God I was making this up.

lisamcc at 18:45:43

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