
Slumber Party Pt. 3

THE SLUMBER PARTY (or: an exercise in Total Immaturity), Pt. 3

Note to newbies - go here to read Pt. 1. Thankee.

When Ad's car failed to re-emerge, we began inspecting the backyard and surrounding shrubbery. At this point, we noticed that several of Jess's neighbors were cautiously peeping out their windows.

"God. Like my neighbors don't already think I'm a freak..."

"We're not making that much noise."

"Lookit...lookit...there's someone standing behind that tree back there!"

I bounded down the driveway like a cross between Peter Cottontail and Kate Pierson. "We seeeeee you!" I dangled my auxiliary pair o' unders at the shadowy figure: "Paaaaahhhhhnnteeeeees!"

"Who is that?"

"Um, I think I just stepped in poo."



As we continued to torment the figure behind the tree, the aforementioned boy in the fright wig and Chachi shirt came tearing across the yard making hyena noises. He continued down the street.

"That was Ad."


"Aw, man, look, he got around the corner and took his wig off."

"Probably didn't want to get his ass kicked by the teenagers drinking in the elementary school parking lot."

"You're a DORK, Ad!"

Finally, just as we were beginning to get bored, a truce was reached in the backyard. Our marauders turned out to be Rick, Kev, Calvin, Ad & Mike. Rick was wearing a pirate's hat adorned with a pair of Jess's underpants. "That was fun...you guys were freaked."

"Yeah, especially when you shut the power off."

"That was Cal's idea. It never even occurred to me to do that."


"Yeah." Rick regarded us for a second. "Howcome you're all dressed up like clowns?"

Just as we were outraged afresh, the guys hightailed it across the front lawn and locked us out of the house.

Jess accidently broke one of the little windows on the front door as she was pounding to be let back in.

In the morning, we watched Say Anything. I ate half a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and stared in horror as Linda fished a warm can of Miller Lite out of her backpack and drank it right there in front of us. Then I got sick at Bickford's and Kev had to come get me. I spent the rest of the day on my mother-in-law's bed, clammy-skinned and whimpering, while Kev helped her with her computer.

I had fun, though. I love my girls.

the end.

Wasn't that silly?

Hey - only 13 more days �til my 30th birthday! Didja know they have Joey Fatone dolls now? Hint, hint...

lisamcc at 15:39:05

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