

I've decided to create a list, a la Catiecake. Many of you already know all of this stuff, so bear with me:

My name is Lisa.

I'm a Virgo with a Cancer ascendant and a Pisces moon. Basically, this means I'm a mess.

I am married to Kev. I was a total groupie for his former band. Yes, I do realize that this is totally sick.

My best girlfriends are, in no particular order: my sis Tina, Linda, Jess, and Paula.

I am obsessed with Joey Fatone.

Jef Czekaj is my hero.

A diary I dig pretty hard these days.

I am a practicing Catholic.

I am pro-choice.

One of my favorite people in the whole world is my god-daughter, Kiki.

Another diary I dig pretty hard.

I played guitar for 18 years before I realized I sucked at it and switched to drums.

I have a B.A. in Theatre.

I have an M.F.A. in Playwriting.

I work for a theatre company, but I crunch numbers all day.

I wear glasses, and have worn glasses since I was nine years old.

lisamcc at 03:44:52

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