
Faster Eyelash...kill kill kill...

Random Stuff For A Muggy Sunday

Listening to: songs from another season - David J.

Wearing: denim pedal pushers and a black tank top.

Beer o' the Day: Sam Adams Boston Lager.


Something that happened the other night at Harper's Ferry -- I was making my way to the bar to get Kev and I another round of UFOs when I was seized with the stinging, blinding pain of a stray eyelash having somehow migrated from lid to eyeball. Blinking furiously, tears coursing down my face, I made my way to where Paula and Aaron were holding court. "What's wrong?" asked Paula, genuinely concerned.

"Ahhh, helldamnshit...I gotta eyelash in my eye."

"Oh. Let's kill it."

I was tipsy enough to pause and seriously consider this. "Yeah, let's kill it!"

lisamcc at 20:21:52

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