
Tall Ships


I really am Queen of Slack today. It's a lovely, sunny and dry day here in Baw-ston and I'm sitting at my desk looking at cash/credit vouchers and trying to remember the last time I ran an acknowledgment merge. God. What am I doing here?

There are a number of things I'd like to do today. I'm still hell-bent on my project of replacing all my cassettes with CDs, having had such a revelation this weekend with the purchase of that Peter Murphy album. It made me all gooshy and sentimental, and this morning's romp through the official Bauhaus website made me seriously wonder why I'd pushed all of my stunning li'l black velvet numbers to the back of my closet in favor of my current slobster wardrobe of jeans and hoodies. So -- there's that. I could go out and buy some more CDs.

I'm also in need of a haircut. I've got these little wispy things that are in danger of becoming full-blown cowlicks if I don't tend to them, pronto.

Now some of you fellow locals may be asking, "But Lees, aintcha gonna go see the Tall Ships? My answer to that, is: no, probably not.

Although I've spent the last couple of days peering into coworkers' offices and crowing, "Hey, wanna go pick up some foreign sailors?!" it really is the furthest thing from my mind. I like military men fine. In fact, one of my favorite travel stories involves my sister and I scraping an inebriated and giggling member of the Royal Air Force off the floor of the Swizzle Inn, seeing him safely back to his hotel as he slobbered on my fuzzy black sweater and vowed that he would defend my "honour."

But, no, not terribly excited about the Tall Ships, thanks.

lisamcc at 16:57:24

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