
KooKoo for CoCo's


A couple of weeks ago I got crazy stupid and bought this giant Go-Go's patch which I promptly stitched onto my courier bag. I proceeded to then strut about town feeling cool and girlpunk as all get-out, until it became rudely apparent that said patch was not immediately identifiable as a Go-Go's patch.

I sailed into the Kendall Cafe one evening, bag in tow, awaiting gushing praise from my pals. Aaron squinted at it and said, "Couscous?" Paula then piped up, "Ohhh, COCO'S!"

"Shuduuuuup," I whined, to peals of appreciative laughter, "It's a GO-GO'S patch, you guys!"

Eventually I shrugged it off as good-natured ribbing, and gave no more thought to the vague lettering of my Go-Go's patch, until I went into my favorite wig/platform sandals/drag queen store, Dorothy's Boutique. One of the "salesgirls" tottered up to me and queried, "Are you Coco?"

"Uh, no."

"Oh, so it's just your bag?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Your BAG. I thought your name was Coco."

"Oh, uhhh, no -- it says 'GO-GO's,' actually..."

"Oh, YAH! I remember them! 'We Got The Beat,' right?"

Now I'm sad. I don't think it looks anything like "COCO's," but apparently I'm wrong. All I want is to be cool, okay? Is that too much to ask?

lisamcc at 17:19:40

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