
Ricky Martin Fever

Too damn good-looking

Ricky Martin is too good-looking for his own good. The whole package is so disarmingly charming and just oozes of syrupy sincerity. Like, if I met Ricky, he would hug me, and that hug would linger just long enough to suggest Ricky�s genuine happiness at having met me. I also suspect that he would smell very clean and manly, of pricey-yet-subtle aftershave. It would be almost stifling and horrible, and yet you�d fight the urge to start chewing through his tight black t-shirt. That�s as far as I can permit myself to think in terms of physical intimacy with Ricky Martin. It�s not as if I do not find Ricky Martin sexually attractive; it�s that I cannot imagine Ricky Martin in any situation even remotely resembling what I have come to know as sexual. Like, if you were in bed with Ricky Martin you would not have to worry about whether or not the cat really knows what you�re up to. If I try to get any further than the hug scenario I see a lot of chocolatey brown satin and chrome bedroom furniture. There is the overpowering smell of fresh flowers, and then it just completely blacks out.

I'm home sick with a fever today. Everybody feel sorry for me, okay?

lisamcc at 16:30:22

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