

Kickball - yay!

After yesterday's tirade about volleyball, I got to thinking that I didn't want you Loyal Readers to think that I am not the Sporty Kind. Indeed, there are some games that I enjoy greatly.

Kickball, for example.

Kickball brings back lovely memories of inter-neighborhood tournaments in the Thomas's backyard. The hour-long lingering tingling sting after having a red rubber kickball inadvertently whacked into the side of your face. There is more shrieking and general mayhem in your average kickball game than in any other sport I can think of, including soccer.

Kickball is so punk rock.

Fuck softball. I want to organize city-wide kickball teams. I say we get all the dippy, costume-oriented bands like the Sugar Twins (and my band for that matter) and put 'em against the beer-swillin' punkers like Frigate (who actually have a song called "Kickball," if memory serves).

Games every Saturday afternoon, followed by a group outing to the Sam Adams Brewery.

I have a huge backyard that is in sore need of proper use.

Christ, as if my neighbors don't think I'm weird enough.

lisamcc at 17:02:12

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