
Prom Stories

Well, we're definitely going to do it.

Paula and I are going to throw ourselves a prom.

I have been threatening to do this for damn close to 2 years now, ever since I went to my 10-year high school reunion (Which was a bust, by the way -- cash bar, too much Def Leppard, and not enough of the football team gone to fat. Very disappointing.). And now it's going to happen. I could weep, I'm so thrilled.

Last night after band practice Dave drove us all home. I announced that Paula and I were going to have a prom, and that they were invited. Tom immediately regaled us with tales of his prom, complete with teenage boys snorting coke in the bathroom.

"My prom sucked," Dave said, "They had this horrible band and then, at the end of the night when the band was packing up, somebody turned on the radio and The Waitresses were playing. That was, like, the only time when everybody got up and danced."

"Now, see, this is what I mean," I whined from the back seat, "I don't have any terrible prom stories!" I started to sputter, awash in righteous indignation. "You wanna know what I did on Prom Night?!"


"I'll tell you what I did! I went to fucking Nantasket Beach and played Skeeball with Patty and Lynn..."

"Who are Patty and Lynn?"

"...and then we drove to Lombardo's, where the prom was held, and spent the rest of the night following everybody else's limousines around!!!"

Tom and Dave were silent for a moment. Then Tom said, "Wow. That's really lame, Lees."

"So you see then? Do you see? That's why I have to do this. I have to do this, and Paula has to do it, too," I whimpered.

30 year old indie rock chicks in prom dresses. Oh, it's going to be glorious.

lisamcc at 17:04:32

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