

TESTAMINTS:  Fight Satan AND Halitosis!

The worst thing about a long weekend is that you have to go back to work and attempt to cram five days of projects into four.

Weary, I came home and checked the mail, fully expecting the usual credit card offers and unsolicited pornography (due to the fact that a couple of years ago, for a giggle, we randomly called 1-900-BOY-HUNG to see if there actually was such a line. There was, and now all these porn people keep sending me stuff. You might say, "Well, you can stop them." What? And miss out on all the fun of copy editing their text in red marker and mailing it back to them?).


So inside the mailbox is a package from my brother and sister-in-law. What could it be? There had been no splendid photo ops with my niece of late, and my future niece-or-nephew still has a few months left to bake...what could this be?

The package smelled just like a tube of Crest. Intrigued, I opened it and was faced with what is probably the most unintentionally demented product I have ever seen.


I am speechless.

What sort of a person seriously hands out these little winter-fresh evangelical nuggets? It boggles the mind.

Naturally, I immediately dumped the entire package into a candy dish and displayed the lot, happily, on my coffee table. I can't wait to have a party and show them off.

lisamcc at 22:45:31

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