
Off with her head!

An Ideal Husband

We're headed into the last week of Schiller's Mary Stuart at work and for the better part of a month now, I've been totally immersed in the smut-politics of both Tudor and Elizabethan-era England. I've been re-reading The Six Wives of Henry VIII, as well as Hibbert's The Virgin Queen and it's all I can do to keep from shouting "Jer-ry! Jer-ry! Jer-ry!" whenever I get to the particularly salacious parts. So much intrigue, so much sex, so much gore. Who the hell needs television, really?

And as long as we're sort of on the subject of beheadings, check out this site. You are guaran-damn-teed to spend at least an hour in alternating paroxysms of hilarity and sheer, unadulterated horror. No need to thank me...

lisamcc at 14:50:34

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