
Feh. Whatever.

oh boy, what fun...

In reviewing my resolutions for the New Year, I realized how utterly pedestrian and lameass and boring I can be. The list reads like anyone else's: budget my time better, bring my lunch to work, go to the gym more....


Alternative resolutions? I'd love to be in a position where I could resolve to, say, donate a third of my salary to charity. I may just have to settle for giving my closet a thorough cleaning, and giving all that stuff away. There is no way on God's green earth that I'll ever be a size 6 again, so those "wishful thinking" garments really ought to go to someone else.

This is a completely boring entry. I hate apologizing for something that ostensibly is for my eyes only, but the fact of the matter is, is that I have made this "journal" public, I've linked up to a webring, I've registered it with diarist.net, I've got counters and bells and whistles that pretty much scream "look at me!" Therefore I feel the need to barf up something halfway entertaining, since many of you seem to be repeat visitors and I hate to think that your time is being wasted reading my pretentious drivel.

I have a headache. I'll deliver the goods tomorrow, I swear....

lisamcc at 13:49:57

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