
Here we go again...

So, no sooner did I get UNpacked from the Nashville adventure than I had to turn around and pack AGAIN for this trip out to Portland.

For some reason, packing for a trip always makes me a little melancholy. Now, that melancholia is exacerbated tenfold by the mere thought of having to leave Foot Foot. And because Foot Foot is the sovereign feline genius of this epoch, she KNOWS something's up. I'm going to feel like the biggest shitheel asshat in the world tomorrow morning when I leave. I'm not looking forward to it.

And then there's this problem I have of not being entirely able to detach myself from work. I've gotten better, though. I don't check my voicemail or email when I'm away anymore. I used to do that, and I can't tell you how many excursions and long weekends I ruined because of it. It got so that the last thing my friend and erstwhile coworker Kellie would say to me as I was leaving the office for such an outing: "Do NOT check your voicemail." Because she knew that I would. Because I'm sick, sick, sick like that.

I'm always convinced that I'm going to get back, and learn that something HORRIBLE has transpired in my absence -- something that of course is ALL MY FAULT -- and I'll...get fired, or something. At the very least there'll be eleventy-seven hundred emails waiting for me.

Last night I spoke at a meeting, and when the meeting opened up to a general discussion, it seemed like everyone there had come back from a vacation and was facing just a metric assload of work-related crap. I hadn't even MENTIONED my own vacation plans or my sick, sad spiral into Worst Case Scenarioland. But you get what you need to hear, sometimes, don't you? Go on your trip, stupid. And when you get back, you take everything one email, one voicemail, one day at a time.

lisamcc at 9:52 p.m.

1 comments so far
2008-09-10 04:07:40
you'll like Portland... that is, if you mean Oregon, instead of Maine.

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