
Red Hot!

Indulged in a little "retail therapy" yesterday with Shari and the Divine PK yesterday. Schedule conflicts had prevented us from "breaking in" the new Sephora in town, and the promise of shiny new cosmetics both tantalized and evaded us for so long. Maddening.

But, really, I think the fact that we ended up going yesterday was predestined. All three of us were having rather crappy weekends, for myriad reasons ranging from Stupid Boy Problems� to the oft-experienced What The Fuck Am I Doing With My Life?!� moments, all of which can be solved, or at least temporarily assuaged, by a trip to Sephora. Really. Think of it as a real-life "Sex in the City" scenario, with women who aren't quite so meticulously turned-out. You know, it's been a few weeks since the eyebrows have had a good going-over, and there's maybe some stray cat hairs on the clothes, which, in my mind anyway, is much sexier.

Sephora is brilliantly laid out, with its cool lighting and candy-like displays and little tester brushes. Even if you just walk out of there with a $3.50 bottle of nail polish, there's a feeling of elation. And, really, you have to buy something, otherwise people will think you're mental or something.

Okay, must recommend: the Urban Decay Red Hot dusting powder. Makes you smell and taste exactly like an Atomic Fireball. Better still was the stuff that tastes and smells like cake batter, which prompted me to yell across the store: "Shari! C'mere and lick my hand!!!" I couldn't justify buying both, so I went with the Red Hot, figuring that I'd get more use out of it with the holidays coming up and all, and smelling like cake batter just doesn't strike me as being particularly sexy, I mean, unless you go for that sort of thing.

lisamcc at 11:38 a.m.

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