

I switched coffee sizes this morning, opting for the tankard o' joe, since the medium just isn't cutting it anymore. This reminded me of a plan my friend Matt and I had back in high school: a proposal that all beverages be resized and renamed to accommodate The American Thirst: Medium, Extra-Regular, and Big-Assed.

15 years later, I still think this is a good idea.

Another thing that's fun � and this has very little to do with beverage re-sizing � leaving cryptic notes on the tab at the end of a meal. This is not in lieu of a tip, it's in addition to the tip, and I think more people should do this, because it just enhances what should be a deeply personal interaction to begin with, seeing how another human being is bringing you your food and all.

Christine - it was fun sitting next to you in Home Ec. Remember that day in history class? I do! Anyway, you are an awesome kid and I'm glad we became friends. C-ya!

But, then, who I am kidding? I just do crap like this because I'm enormously entertained by my own immaturity. And, yes, I realize that I am probably a server's worst nightmare. But, hey, I do leave a tip.

lisamcc at 9:41 a.m.

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