
Clear Glass Marbles

Random tidbits from the World of Me:

Here's something else I've become seriously addicted to since giving up the hooch: magazines. The other day, I arrived home to find that all of the magazines we subscribe to arrived at the exact same time: TIME, Esquire, Rolling Stone, and CosmoGirl!

Yes, I subscribe to CosmoGirl! Dollars to donuts, it's a better read than its purported "big sister" publication, with its suspiciously Jane Pratt-like editor: the tiny-tee'd, bushy-haired Atoosa, and, despite the fact that I am turning 32 a week from tomorrow (how was that for subtle?), I still get zits, so I am incredibly grateful for the free samples of facial wash that come inside each wacky issue.

I think I should start a magazine. I mean a real magazine. You know, with Tampax ads and everything.


So the other night, hanging out at la casa de Binx y Cubiclegirl, somehow the conversation turned to high school talent shows, and All-of-Me mentioned that at her last high school reunion, they held a talent show. She thought it would be funny if she did the monologue from "Talking With..." that she did at the talent show the year she graduated. Lots of people signed on to do this reunion show, but at the last minute, chickened out or something, leaving just All-of-Me and the Weird Girl That Nobody Liked. "And, guess what happened?" she asked.

I blurted out, "Weird Girl did 'Clear Glass Marbles,' too!!!"

All-of-Me paused, perplexed. "Wait, how did you know I did 'Clear Glass Marbles'?"

"Honey, every tortured teenage actress does 'Clear Glass Marbles.' I did 'Clear Glass Marbles.' 'Clear Glass Marbles' was, like, the monologue of choice for Sensitive Young Women in high school drama clubs all over this great land. As a matter of fact, I still have my jar of clear glass marbles in my living room...."

"You do NOT."

"I do!"

We burst out laughing. At this point the houseboy, who'd been sitting there quietly listening, suddenly piped up: "Is that what that jar of marbles is?"

lisamcc at 10:09 a.m.

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