
Real Stupid

Well, tomorrow night's the Big Event. Paula's wedding. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself once it's over. I need to get a hobby, or something. I swear to Christ I've spent more time fixating on this wedding than I did on my own.

A phrase to indicate general frustration that I predict will very shortly enter the Popular Lexicon: "Shaaarrronnnn!" (to be hollered a la Ozzy.) I already do this to Kev when I've mislaid my wallet or my keys for the eleventy-seven-billionth time.

The boss has been out this week. I've had a terrible case of the "can't hardlies" as a result. You know, can't hardly do what they're paying me to do. Like, yesterday I embarked on a Very Important Internet Research Project: finding out what happened to the cast of Real Genius. And good God, would you look at what became of little Gabe Jarret? Hubba hubba. Today's mission is to find out what happened to Michelle Meyrink.

There's gonna be hell to pay on Monday, chickens.

lisamcc at 9:03 a.m.

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