
The House of Ho-Wuzzz

Random stuff from the World of Me:

Okay. So Saturday night I made myself go out to see Paula -- even though what I really wanted to do was sit on the couch, watch t.v. and eat potato chips (I call this the "Couch Zone") -- because she is my best friend here, after all, and I would be a big ol' See You Next Tuesday to not show up, right? Right.

OK. So a few things made me feel like going was the Right Thing to Do.

I got there Christly early (like, 8:30), and Paula came in, plopped down beside me, and we didn't even have to say a word to each other to just know that we were both in the Couch Zone, even though she was the designated Performer and I the designated Fan. So we sat there being foul-mouthed and crabby, until the houseboy finally commented, "You know, the longer you two hang out together, the more you look like sisters."

Paula snapped, "Oh, yeah? So which one's the Evil One? Me, right?"

"Fuck you, bitch. I'm the Evil One."

What really convinced me, though, of the Absolute Right-ness of Going Out Despite My Being in the Couch Zone was this band. Holy Mother of Fucking God. I sported an immediate moistie just watching them. And. AND they played a Duran Duran cover and dedicated it to Paula.

Paula & Co. played well. Aaron did a spot-on C.C. DeVille, to the delight of us all ("It was the House of Ho-Wahz, but it became the House of Hor-Rerrrrs!"). Good fun.

lisamcc at 5:49 p.m.

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