
Excess, huh.

I spent the weekend indulging every possible excess except, you know, that one, and I still feel dirty and hungover.

Basically, I ate a whole lot of junk food and watched musicals and horror movies on cable.

The shame, chickens, the shame. Next thing you know I'll be hiding half-viewed VHS copies of "Man of La Mancha" in the sock drawer. "I swear, I only watched one today! I can quit whenever I want! What - you think you're better than me?!"

Seriously, though. It was fun. Right now, and I know it's real sick, I love watching all the old musicals and speculating on the substance abuses of the individual performers. Made me feel like I was in good company, sort of.

I also sat through "The Exorcist" twice, and enjoyed myself immensely both times. It reminded me, though, of how we used to do our Max Von Sydow routine with Whitey every time she jumped up on something she wasn't supposed to. But I just laughed about it, laughed about what a great cat she was and how lucky we were to have spent some time with her, and didn't get further into it. It's a bad, bad neighborhood sometimes, my mind, and the trick I'm trying to learn is to just go in there when I need something from the 7-11, you know -- just dart in and then get the fuck out before some ugly thought steals my wallet, or something.

Today I got my jollies from sitting on the subway and making a big show of reading the book I bought the other day: "Buried Alive." That was totally fun.

lisamcc at 1:09 p.m.

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