

So, seeing as how I'm the poster child for Murphy's Law and all, it stands to reason that as soon as I make a few small steps towards taking better care of myself, I get pummeled with the Mother of All Colds.

I was up all last night coughing and hacking like some kind of croupy Dickensian orphan. Today, I'm sitting at my desk and I'm quite certain that everybody can smell my cold, it's that bad. You know what I mean. That snotty, weepy, salty, metallic smell, like you've got some kind of heinous endocrine imbalance. It's the smell of boogers, okay? Every last one of you knows what I'm talking about.

We have a donor event tonight at work, and I look, sound and � I imagine � smell so miserable that I actually got the okay to leave at my usual time today. This is unprecedented. Usually you'd have to come in with nothing short of full-blown leprosy to get out of working a donor event.

"What," I said, "you mean you don't want me coughing all over the Board?"

When I'm sick, everyone's gonna hear about it, by golly.

lisamcc at 1:55 p.m.

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