

So, the workplace is sending my friend and I to classes for our snazzy new-ish fundraising software. Here I sit with a whole bunch of other Development Drones, getting ganked on all the free coffee, and enjoying that relative novelty of not-having-to-be-at-work-but-still-doing-something-work-related.

The last time I had to go to any kind of software training, all of the computers were MS-DOS, so the instructor had our undivided attention. This time, there are an astonishing number of people who are just flagrantly checking and writing their email in the middle of everything.

So, my sister had a baby the other day. I talked to her yesterday, and I was fulfilling my role as the Wacky Aunt, as always, and I was like, "Awww, put her on the phone!"

"She's sleeping. All she does is sleep."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"Well, she doesn't seem to want to eat all that much. I plug her in, and she nurses for a few minutes, and then goes to sleep."

"Passed out on the bar, yeah."

"She's so tiny. She won't eat hardly anything."

"Give her a cheeseburger."

So many people tell me what a great mother I'll make someday. I fail to see why that is.

lisamcc at 10:34 a.m.

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