


So I was on vacation all last week, and now, two days back into work mode, I'm fried. Wiped out. Nothing catastrophic happened in the office while I was gone, but enough little, pesky, niggling things accumulated over the span of five days to make for a nice, sticky ball of fresh hell just waitin' for me on Tuesday.

I'm still trying to play catch-up here.

Anyhow, here's something that you may find amusing. I certainly find it amusing.

My band has a number of stupid inside-jokes-disguised-as-stock-phrases that any one of us will blurt out at any given moment during the rehearsal process, causing the other members to giggle uncontrollably. It's a good way to end rehearsals when they've gone on way too long (in excess of 3 hours).

So the genesis of one of our particular favorite quips goes like this: Dave, the singer, insists that a friend of his was in an airport bathroom with Carol Channing (who was in the next stall), when she overheard this: "Corn? Now when did I eat that?"

Dave swears this really happened. I leave it to you, Gentle Reader, to figure out what would have prompted Miss Channing to make such a query.

It's absolutely vital that this line be delivered in a suitably Carol Channing-esque voice. It's just not as funny any other way.

I often wonder if what the five of us find amusing carries over to the general public. So I tried out the Carol Channing story on Linda Bean, and she was so enchanted by it, she started leaving messages on our machine: "Caawwwn? Now win did I eat thaaat?"

So maybe we're not as twisted as we'd like to believe...

lisamcc at 5:50 p.m.

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