
Enuncuate like a Gibb

Well, I'm at the end of my mini-vacation (here's where I try to avoid stamping my feet and wailing, "I don't wanna go back to work!!!" I get a real vacation in July, though; never fear.). I can't say that I got a whole lot done, really. I managed to clean the bathroom on Saturday. Saturday night my bandmate Dave came over and we ended up getting very tweeked. As is my wont on these occasions, I ended up breaking out the vinyl, playing scads upon scads of guilty pleasures, among them Andy Gibb's Flowing Rivers LP. I got so caught up in it that during "I Just Want to be Your Everything," I began recreating what I imagined to be the atmosphere during the recording: "Listen to how Andy's singing! It's utter Barry Gibb totalitarianism! Can't you see Barry in the booth yelling, 'Sing like a Gibb, damn it!"

"Yeah. You gonna finish that beer?"

"I'm serious! Listen to that! 'Enunciate like a motherfucking Gibb, damn you!'"

Then I passed out.

Today Dave and I went thrift-shopping. I was a good girl; I'd just gotten rid of all of the outfits that will never, ever fit me again, if they even fit to begin with, so I didn't buy much in the way of clothes. I did find another addition to my growing collection of Wallace Berrie statuettes. I'm sure Kev will be thrilled.

lisamcc at 5:11 p.m.

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