

I'm at the tail end of one of my not-so-infrequent bouts of spastic, hysterical misery, chickens. It's actually been quite interesting, and quasi-productive in that instead of writing it out of my system, I made about eight hundred of these bizarre little shrines using bathroom tiles, prayer cards, gumball machine toys and old Mardis Gras beads. They're quite lovely, actually...maybe the inside of my head isn't so ugly after all. Wanna buy one?

I seem to be getting a little better, though, because at work today I actually made a wisecrack -- something I haven't done in over a week since the tidal wave hit.

We have one laserjet printer that's currently being shared by three different departments (you gotta love working for a nonprofit). Office protocol is such that if you're about to print something on letterhead, or mailing labels, you literally have to scream your intent so that everybody knows not to print something else.

I'm sitting at my desk this morning when I hear, dimly, from down the hall:

"Printing on labels!"

Five seconds later, a little bit closer:

"Printing on labels!"

And then, right outside my office:

"Printing on labels!"

"Hey, Dina?"

"Yeah, Lees?"

"Are you printing on labels?"

So, no need to call in the Samaritans. I think I'm okay now...

lisamcc at 05:40 p.m.

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