
Uh, stuff.

Ladies & Gentlemen: introducing The Sub-Pars!

Now, I myself am not quite sure what is going to become of this, but the first meeting of said group happens this evening (the 16th), prior to Ad Frank's show at TT's.

It is the brainchild of Paula Kelley and Jaime D'Almeida, and for whatever reason, they've decided that Bo and I would be the perfect rhythm section for their plans for World Domination, or, at least, for making people laugh at our pathetic unresolved high school crushes.

I think it will be interesting, considering that once upon a time, the luminously beautiful and prodigiously gifted Miss Kelley once drunkenly approached me to join her previous band, Boy Wonder, at Ad Frank's 30th birthday party a few years back (how many years back we won't reveal). I confess that I basically chickened out on said offer, since, at the time, I was about as much of a team player as Brian Wilson, plus I was just plain scared to death of her, as I tend to be of other girls, but that a whole 'nother story for another time.

I'll keep you all posted, as I'm sure you're just dying to know what happens.

In the meantime, please keep my friend Mikey in your thoughts and prayers. If you're just tuning in, Mikey suffered a devastating stroke a little over a year ago. Thanks and God Bless.

lisamcc at 03:58:31

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