

Happy Valentine's Day and blah blah blah...

I had what I thought was a terribly clever idea. I wanted to buy a box of Britney Spears valentines and hand �em out. Except my whole thing was to buy them, and alter them so that instead of Britney spewing her predictable Britney platitudes like: "Valentine - hit me baby one more time," she'd be giving us important factoids such as: "According to the CDC report, 0.25% of the population is infected with chlamydia!"

I personally thought this was hilarious, and patted myself on the back all the way to the drugstore where I'd first seen them. Alas - they were gone. Apparently the Britney valentines are all the rage with the lunchbox-carrying crowd this year. I was so disappointed.

lisamcc at 22:10:47

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