

Claudine loves YOU.

Guess what everybody? It's Claudine Longet's birthday! Happy Birthday, Claudine! I'm celebrating by having a glass of wine (or two) and listening to my Claudine Longet records!

Decadent? Oh, mais oui. This is as decadent as we get over here at the House of Kitsch.

I read the diaries of my darling Marquis and Melusine -- getting my vicarious jollies via their romps through New Orleans. Nights at the Shim Sham, glitter and cocktails. Know what I did Saturday night? Ate an entire sleeve of Chips Ahoy cookies and listened to my Ad Frank CD. And you know what? It was glorious.

Decadent is an attitude. Cop it, baby, cop it.

lisamcc at 01:19:45

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