
Today's Lessons

Marquis: right back atcha, babe. Mwah.

It has been said -- and said correctly I might add -- that you learn something new every day.

Wanna know what I learned today? I learned -- oh -- lots of things today...

1) If you have friends who are in the habit of emailing you photos of themselves playing guitar in what looks suspiciously like women's undergarments, it's a good idea not to open said email attachments at work.

2) The music of Kate Bush has a singularly peculiar effect upon my cat, Whitey B. I came home, poured myself a wee bit o' brandy, and settled into the "study." I put Hounds of Love into the CD play-ah, and began opening the mail, unaware of the sonic assault I was perpetrating.

In a nutshell -- Whitey went apeshit. Understand: Whitey is a bit of a frantic girly to begin with (not unlike her mom, one might say). As a friend of ours put it, "Damn, is that cat mental or what?" When I say she went apeshit, I mean more so than what we're used to over here at the House of Kitsch. She scrambled up onto the sofa next to me, eyes like saucers and ears flattened back, and proceeded to try and burrow up the front of my sweater. I managed to untangle her from my person, and she went skidding across the floor, beating a hasty retreat under the computer desk, where she remained, hunkered and yowling, for the duration of the album. Concerned, yet amused, I got on my hands and knees and approached her. "Ischk?" (one of the many names we have for her, as we seldom call her by her given name) I murmured, "You okay, Chief?"


I have to know: is this something I should be worried about? I ask those of you with companions of the feline persuasion: Does Pussy have a bad reaction to Kate Bush? Does your kitty caterwaul at the first strains of Wuthering Heights? Please take a moment and let me know.

lisamcc at 01:34:56

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